Welcome to the Fraunhofer-Allianz SysWasser. Here you will find innovative solutions that address the entire water cycle, starting with watersheds, through water distribution networks, to wastewater treatment.

The Fraunhofer-Allianz SysWasser is…


... an efficient network of nine Fraunhofer institutes.

... a network that covers the entire value chain of the water cycle.

... a reliable partner for your R&D projects and complex system solutions.

... experienced in international projects.

... one of the largest water research alliances in Europe since 2007.



Our offer:


Water Digital

  • Measurement/Sensor Technology
  • Automation
  • Modeling/Simulation
  • Artificial Intelligence

Water System

  • Water and wastewater management
  • Agriculture and food
  • Water infrastructure systems
  • Circular economy


The members of the Allianz Syswasser


Press and media (german)